Monday, October 10, 2011

How to create effective Blog Comments

Blog commenting is a very powerful backlink building system. Through this you can build innumerable backlinks for your site. In blog comment, you will have name, email, website and comment field. After entering the name, email and website, you will post your comment. Whatever name you will enter in the name field, that name will be hyperlinked by the website you have entered.
There are two types of blogs where you can post your comment,
-Auto approve blogs and Moderated blogs

In auto approve blogs, whatever you post, your comment will be approved instantly. These types of blogs are very rare. You will find them 1 in 100. There are no way to indentify a auto approve blog unless you post there or have a list of auto approve blogs. In General, these blogs are full of spam comments and they are likely to give less SEO benefit.

In moderated blogs, you have to follow certain rules to get the comment approval by the blog owner. In these types of blogs, you must read the post and understand the topic. Most of the time, post’s headline tells the whole story. Once you understand the whole post, you will be able to post relevant comment. Do not try to enter the keyword into the name field because you have got a name. If you enter your real name, still you are getting a backlink pointing towards your website. If you enter the keyword, the blog owner may feel annoying but if you see any comment in that blog has been approved before with the keyword in the name field, you can go for it. In some comments, you can enter your keyword as a signature at the end of your comment like

 –seomaster@what is seo blog.

Many blog have got “Keywordluv” plugin installed on them. There, you can enter name @ keyword in the name field. By this your keyword will be linked. Follow others approved comments. How they have posted there comments and have got the approval. Try to feel yourself in the conversation. Have a look when the last comment was approved. If it is more than 6 months ago, you have to think that this blog is dead and not getting moderated regularly. Try to find the most recent post in that blog and see weather it is in the recent date or not. If it is in the recent date, post your comment there. Do not expect that your every comment will be approved. If you have got 30% approval rate, be happy.

Search engine crawlers visits blogs regularly and if you can post your links there, you will see some very quick improvement in search engine ranking. Search for blogs in google blogsearch and post your comments there. Keep a record of your comments so that you can track them and see the approval rate. This will help you to improve your comment’s quality. By following these criteria, you will be able to become a master of blog comments within a very short time.